Monster Bugs StepIntoReading Step 3 For

Monster Bugs StepIntoReading, Step 3 For
Monster Bugs StepIntoReading, Step 3 For

Bed bugs, scientifically known as Cimex Lectularius are tiny insects which feed off the blood of all warm blooded animals. Unfortunately, humans are very good hosts for them which is why they have adopted the name “bed bugs” over time. Because we are warm blooded animals, bed bugs thrive on living in areas that are closest to our bodies. This is one reason they make their homes in human beds, as well as couches, fabric upholstered chairs and just about any other soft surface.

People have become somewhat paranoid about these creatures, and with good reason. There are some health concerns associated with bed bugs including skin rashes, allergic reactions and of course the psychological effects involved with being accosted by millions of tiny insects while you sleep. Not to mention the fact that they are a nuisance at best. In addition, it is very possible to develop a nasty skin infection as a result of scratching bites.

Recently a new trend has emerged in the fight against bed bugs through the use of detection dogs. This may sound unusual but it has been proven effective. There are even companies you can locate online that offer these services. Dogs have an excellent sense of smell, thousands of times more sensitive than ours.

You may even want to spray some of this around your bedroom to protect yourself from any bed bugs that may come back from vacation with you. Additionally, packing your things in plastic is an excellent way to prevent bed bugs from infiltrating your suitcase and hitching a ride back home with you.